Sunday, May 27, 2012

D&D The Black Journal - Part 4

Here are the three final entries of the black journal! It was great writing these in an actual book and using them as a prop. It took some time, but it allowed for some extra flavor to be inserted among the entries, such as drawings by the King (mostly drawings of the ring as his obsession for knowledge grew) and paranoid scribblings, lists of people's names, questions, etc... Writing by hand also allowed me to do little fun things with the handwriting, like double-crossing all the T's in the final journal entries.

All that proceeds these last entries are some illegible scribbles by the old King. I left the ending nebulous, seeing how this is Dungeons & Dragons and the campaign has only just begun. No need to give my adventurers the whole story. That would ruin all sorts of surprises!

  • One of my advisors is plotting against me but I don’t know which one. He is clever, and even the ring isn’t able to provide a clear answer. Perhaps he uses magic to cloud the ring’s foresight. Autumn is upon us. My people thrive in our new land, maintaining the very same crops our enemies had once sewn on this ground. Meanwhile I cower in my quarters. One of the few memories I retain from our years of war is the nighttime attack of the two assassins. I see that woman in the shadows of my bedchamber, and I remember her cold determined eyes fixed on the ring. It’s one memory I wish I could forget.
  • I’m not sure what to write. I am the Enlightened King and according to this it has been years since my last entry, but I don’t recall ever keeping a journal. The previous entries are clearly made in my handwriting, but I made sure to confirm its authenticity with the ring just in case they were a forgery. These dates are from when I was still a young man. I feel as though I’m reading someone else’s life story. Apparently I was in a war which cost many lives. It also says it was during this time that I obtained my ring, but I know that cannot be. I’ve always had the ring... haven’t I? And what is this great knowledge I sought of the Universe? Forgotten now, it seems all that trivia I once knew has benefited me very little. All I know now is that I am old and feel a great need for rest. Perhaps in death I’ll regain all the memories I had in life. I could ask the ring, but I fear I already know the answer.
  • Death is the end for many, but not me! Today the ring told me of another artifact of great value, though I do not remember asking it any question. It told me of a crystal which rejuvenates and invigorates life to all those around it. It told me that it would diminish the weariness of old age and restore my body to what it was. I began mobilizing a campaign immediately after hearing the news.

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